News updates.
2023.09 Exhibition SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2023
2023.01 If You have Problems with Robot Teaching.
2022.06 Notice of Product Specification Change.
2022.02 Notification of Dust Box model change.
2022.01 Annoucement of Discontinued.
2021.10 Annoucement of our new product "WPD“

Welcome to
Kyokutoh Co., Ltd. was established in 1953, manufacturing arc welding tips and nozzles. Since its beginning, we have been an integral piece of the automobile industry.
In 1985, Kyokutoh introduced their first automated electric tip dresser to the market. Over the decades of competitive market pressures, automakers have adopted automation technology redesigning automobile assembly plants. This constant development through innovation has directed us to become an adaptable rational enterprise, providing the means to overcome the challenges of our automobile industry.
Tel : +66 (0) 2 -721-6282-3, Email :